Friday, November 8, 2013


By the time you all are reading this we will be on our final countdown until Maddy permanently stays home. Right now we are roughly two months away from that time. Two months seems like a long time, but when you think about lesson planning and all that good stuff it really isn't that long. I decided to sit down and try to make out a schedule for us last night. I came up with a tentative schedule that will work great if I can keep my end of the schedule up. Here is what Maddy's schedule will look like. I tried my best to keep her in the same routine she is used to at school:
7:30-9:00-Wake-up time (I will not get her up at any set time...just whenever she wakes up)
9:00-10:00-Breakfast/TV time
11:00-1:00-Free choice
1:30-2:00-Wash hands/Afternoon meeting
4:30-4:50-Circle Time
5:45-6:00-Free choice

As you can see it looks like a typical daycare schedule. Her lunch is about an hour later than I wanted it to be, but since she gets to sleep in later than she would normally for daycare I think she will be ok. Obviously if she gets hungry before lunch time I will feed her. Our schedule will vary from day to day because she isn't always going to get up at the same time.

My schedule is what I'm most concerned about. For those who really know me, they know I am in NO way a morning person. If I could sleep till 9 or 9:30 everyday that would be awesome by me.
7:40-9:40 Work

Provided I don't have overtime and can really keep this schedule, I will be done with work everyday by 12:55 p.m. I tend to have quite a bit of overtime, so for those overtime days I will either work an extra two hours, or I go ahead and log out and then come back after dinner to finish my last two hours. I really hope my manager will allow me to start work every day at 4 a.m. and I am able to make myself get up. It would be awesome to get to spend the rest of the afternoon with Maddy or to actually be able to clean and cook during the week instead of saving it all for the weekend. I am going to try to start this schedule now to get used to it, but I have NO work right now so I am having to wait until I can get some more work before I start this routine. Anyways, that's our tentative/goal schedule :) Hope you all are having a great day!

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