Friday, July 19, 2013


Last week I had myself a stay-cation. Let me rephrase that....I was SUPPOSED to have a stay-cation, but ended up working every day except Friday. I had big plans of getting our house cleaned and organized since I never got to take time off when we first moved. I am so tired of our house being a cluttered mess! Of coarse since I was looking forward to this huge task, work kinda got in the way. I kept Maddy home Monday and Friday that way Tuesday-Thursday I could clean. I knew I would have to work Monday, so I got up early to get a start on the day. I woke up around 6 a.m. and Maddy woke up around 9 a.m. Once she woke up I quit work because it's very rare we get to spend real time together. I had plans of taking her to her second movie. We went to see Monsters University. She was SO excited to be going back to the "golf" so she could eat more popcorn. I wish I could get a video of her saying popcorn, but oh well. I'm really not sure why she keeps calling it the golf because the week we went to her first movie I kept saying the movie place with the big screen. My only guess is that in the movie (Despicable Me 2), there is a scene where the minions are playing golf. I guess that scene stuck in her mind and now the movie theater is forever called "the golf." We got us a 2013 bucket so we can get pretty cheap refills. There was an 11:45 a.m. showing so that is the one we went to. I was a tad bit nervous taking her by myself because I wasn't sure if she was so good the first time because she had her cousins and nana and pops to show her how to act lol. Luckily there was hardly anybody there and the people that were there were either moms or dads with their young kids. Once we sat down Maddy got started on her candy. The concession stands were the only part she almost went crazy on. The first time we went my step dad got everybody their snacks, this time Maddy went with me and could see all the goodies that were there. I splurged and let her get some candy to go with her popcorn and drink. She didn't eat much of her candy before she was asking me to hand over the popcorn bucket lol. This time she actually sat in her own seat instead of on my lap half of the time and then the other half she wanted to cuddle up with me. I loved both Despicable Me 2 and Monsters University, but I think MU was my favorite. Maddy did extremely good and she even laughed at some of the funny scenes. I am so happy she loves movies as much as she does...I can tell I will end up broke taking us to the theaters lol. It's hard not to go to every single movie that is ok for Maddy because it's been almost 4 years since I've been to a movie...I feel a little deserving lol. Anyways, after the movie we went home to change because it went from cool to extremely hot just like that. We did some shopping and then went home. Tuesday I worked and cleaned a little. Wednesday I just said forget it lol. I did work a little bit and then went around town with my mom and then church. Thursday I walked a bridge in our town called the Walnut Street Bridge. I really wanted to go the park, but it was flooded and closed. Friday was the only day I didn't log into work. Me and Maddy met up with one of my friends and had lunch at chick-fil-a during their "cow" day. If you dress up like a cow you got a free meal.

On the back of her shirt was a was just so cute! I snapped a picture of her before she transformed into a cow.

I forgot until I saw my pictures that one of the things we did was got her a Minnie Mouse puzzle. It's a 24 piece puzzle and she can do it all on her's pretty amazing to me.

I forgot to snap a picture of it finished....I will add it later...maybe lol

I have a lot of little random things to share, but will do so in another post. While on vacation me and Maddy had a great bonding time and I still see and feel the affects from it today. It's amazing how my love for her just continues to grow and keeps on growing even though I think sometimes it can't grow much more. I plan to write about her first movie experience in more detail and some youtube things I've found that I love. I hope you all are having a great Friday and enjoy the weekend!!!

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