Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Just Because

This will be a post of randoms that don't really have a home lol. I've been sick since before Christmas. It hit my mom, then Maddy, then me and my youngest niece. For my mom it lasted about 4 weeks. It's a chronic cough with maybe one day of fever. Yes, it sounds like bronchitis but when I first got mine it did not feel like bronchitis. When I get bronchitis and don't go to the doctor it gets to be a real wet and yucky sounding cough. Well, my mom healed. I figured I'd heal soon after. I was wrong. I ran fevers off and on. Actually, at night my fever would go up. I know your body temp. rises in the evening, but the fever was making me feel horrible. The Sunday after Christmas I did nothing but lay all day. I tried to get up to play with Maddy and was successful for a few minutes. She wanted me to read so I started reading and realized I was so out of breath I felt like I couldn't get air in fast enough. Turns out it was bronchitis that was turning into pneumonia after all. I still have the cough, but not as bad. It's really annoying!
yeah, I took a picture of the thermometer to send lol. Maddy just had a cold that turned into a middle ear infection. They gave her antibiotic for her ear and some cough syrup. The cough syrup worked longer on her than the directions said. She can take it every 6 hours, but one dose would last for 24 hours.

Maddy found her first Disney movie that she likes. We watched this movie two days in a row.
Lady and the Tramp really is a great movie. I hadn't seen it in a very long time. I think this will be the first Disney I buy. I plan to collect them because I myself love Disney.

Another movie Maddy watched was The Polar Express.
We were both sick on this day and didn't go to school or work. She gets engrossed in her movies lol. I plan to take her to her first movie sometime soon. I think it will be fun :)

I thought this sounded good and the best thing about it is, it's Weight Watchers!
I will definitely be trying this one out. No, I'm not on Weight Watchers because I can't afford it, however, I have done it in the past. It really is an excellent program and lets you eat whatever you want to eat.

I was off work the week of December 31. I did, however, have to work most of the day on the 31st and then again on the 2nd to try to stay out of trouble. I had high hopes of getting our house completely clean and straight. I'm still living out of boxes and of coarse there is the every day mess. Wednesday I ended up sleeping because I went to bed at 12:20 a.m. and woke up at 4 a.m. to get my work done. After dropping Maddy off I was just too tired to do anything. I slept until 1:00 p.m. Oops! I was able to do some cleaning before I got Maddy. Thursday I worked out with my mom. We did a step class that was hard but fun. Apparently my body is not ready to work out because once I got home my fever was back up and I felt horrible. I slept the rest of the afternoon. Friday I went shopping to get our groceries. I did really good with my coupons and got a lot of food! I wish I could take every Friday off and shop lol. It's hard getting my coupons together and getting the deals together when I'm working all the time. After we shopped my mom helped me put up my picture frame set my sister got me for Christmas. I still have to print out a few more pictures lol
I hope you all are having a great week so far!!!

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