Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Life Happens

I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving. I must say I am beyond excited (despite the yucky couple of weeks I've been having) and cannot wait for our local stations to play nonstop Christmas music. Tonight was the start of Hallmark channel's Christmas movie night. I actually have the schedule handy:
I'm usually not THIS Christmas dorky lol...I found it in a magazine I have and of coarse I am posting it to my fridge :) Come December I will be watching ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas and then flip back over to Hallmark. This girl is serious about her Christmas movie/tv time lol.

I have been browsing the Black Friday Ads on my phone...I have an app :) There aren't too many things I see yet that I think are just amazing. There is one thing on there for Maddy that seems like a great deal so I'm hoping they will have it online as well. I've decided to do my black Friday shopping online...if it's not online then it's not worth it...unless it's like a 60" tv for like $20. I'm contemplating becoming an Amazon Prime member, but I'm just not sure if it's really worth it. It equates to less than $7.99/month but I don't know. If I do then I would probably cancel my blockbuster mail program to make up the difference. Are any of you Amazon Prime members and if so is it really worth it??

Maddy has some strange ways of sleeping.

What you don't see is that one of her legs is dangling down to the floor. I got tickled at her and had to snap the pic. I never know how I will find her when I go in there to check on her. One day I really expect her to not be in her bed and me freak out. It wouldn't surprise me to find her under her bed, in her closet, or even in the rocking chair. Speaking of rocking chair I am thinking about taking it out of her room next year..closer to when she turns 4 and making her room really her room. I'm not putting ALL toys in her room, but some. Right now I don't allow toys to stay in her room because she would probably get out of bed to play.

She has been waking me up unusally lately. I'm not complaining at all...I'm just not sure why the change all of a sudden...I know I know...she's growing up lol. The past couple of weekends and even this morning she will scream, " MOMMY.....I NEED TA POO POO AND PEE PEE!!!!!!" I don't always wake up immediately...I usually end up catching the last word or something and then think I'm dreaming until she does it again lol. I will say I am very proud of her though because every time I have taken her with the exception of one morning, she really has pottied. She's doing SO good on telling me when she needs to pee and I'm really feeling more encouraged. I am hitting the spot of driving down the road and then all of a sudden needing a bathroom right then right there. I think I should carry her potty in my car because at home she uses the big potty. Is this TMI? lol. She is really wanting to wear big girl panties so she has been working hard on potty.

I have most of her Christmas shopping done. I am very thankful the Lord has provided enough money for her Christmas. I am getting her a couple more presents and then I will start working on the rest of my family. I have no idea what I'm doing for them.

This past weekend was a lazy weekend for us. I actually think we both had a touch of something. I got out Saturday morning, but the only reason I did is because I was supposed to have my oil changed and needed to get the supplies. Once we got home we played and watched tv. We did get a good nap in...I was SO thankful for nap that day. I really was beyond tired and had no reason to be. I realized she was being super quiet and had been in her room. I decided to peek in and she was working diligently on getting her shoes on. I tried to snap a picture but she had just finished and was getting up when it took.
I think she was embarrassed when she saw me because she had that look like aw man lol

These are the random glimpses into what has been happening in our life lately. Hope y'all have a great week!

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