Friday, August 24, 2012

Praise You In the Storm

I can tell you that I am definitely being tested and have been since the last full week of July. Today was kind of the last straw for me...or should I say when I just kind of hit bottom. Luckily our church has been talking about when bad things happen. One thing that has stuck with me is to not question why but to look for the opportunity. I used to always question why when something bad happened to me. I always thought it was always because of my sin that bad things were happening. Yes, when we sin bad things can happen but it doesn't mean that is always the case. This song has been stuck in my head because it's just perfect for my situation. It's not always easy to praise God during a storm, but it's something we should be doing. I do feel at peace with my situation even though I know there are more tears to be shed. I don't like the situation I'm in but complaining about it isn't going to solve anything. Another good song to think of during the storm is by Group One Crew...I've actually posted this before but it's def worth posting again lol
I've got a full day ahead of me tomorrow and I desperately need to clean so I will make this a short post. If you are going through a rough patch just hang in there and lean on the Lord. Life is not easy nor is it by ANY means fair but God wants good things for us no matter what He is always here. On a completely different note have you heard Taylor Swift's new single?? I haven't listened to it completely because I haven't bought it, but I sure love the title lol
*update...i just now listened to it :)

1 comment:

  1. Just remember that you can learn something through this time. God is teaching you something. You may not see it right now, but there is always a purpose.


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