Thursday, July 19, 2012

Week In Review

I'm supposed to be exercising, but I'm so tired that I just decided to write this post so my weekend review/recap won't be so long. This post is going to be a bunch of random ramblings put together. Maddy and I had a good week. Maddy doesn't ask if we are going to her new house as much as she did. I think she's starting to settle into our routine.

I've decided on a cooking schedule that just sort of happened. I don't need to cook every day because a lot of food would be wasted that way. I cook on Tuesday's and Thursday's and the days in between we eat left overs or something quick like hot dogs. This Tuesday we had hamburgers. I don't have a grill, nor would I even know how to cook on one, but I do have a griddle. When I think of griddle's I think pancakes. I decided to try it out and cook burgers. I've had to get a lot of help from my mom because I haven't really cooked much of anything up until now...I know I know that's pretty sad but I'm learning lol. They turned out pretty good. I made mine in a heart shape and then I made Maddy a little burger. She was so excited because she LOVES pickles. She ate all but one bite of her burger. I'd say it was a success lol.
Tuesday is also bath night for Maddy. She climbed in the tub like she normally did and I turned around for one second to sit something on the sink (it was still in the bathroom) and I turn back around and see a pretty good sized spider on Maddy's back. I about freaked...not because I'm scared of spiders per say, but because I knew I couldn't just s mush it because it might cause it to bite her. I got her loofah and scraped it off her and into the water. She had no idea thank goodness because she is really scared of spiders. I got one of her toys and scooped it out.
 It is apparently a water spider because I kept pouring water straight on it to try to um, well, you know lol...and it would lay still for a long time and then start moving again. I finally flushed it down the toilet. Maddy had no clue. I did scare her though because I felt like I had spider's crawling on me that entire night and actually screamed. She started to cry and said she wanted out of the tub. I told her mommy was just being silly. Speaking of spiders, Wednesday I saw a spider just appear on the arm of my couch. It was headed under my mail so I just smushed it in hopes I got it. I never checked because I didn't think I did get it and I didn't want to be paranoid all day. My mom stopped by for a little bit so I decided to take a peek. Surprisingly I did get it and I took a closer look at it and discovered it was in fact a black widow. Yeah, this girl kinda freaked out a bit. I have several of them in my water meter area. We are going to spray because that is one thing that can't be ignored. I'm so glad the black widow is not what was on Maddy.

Along with the spider on Maddy, we had some decent storms move into our area.

I love my weather app! The lightening was pretty bad and then the of coarse the loud thunder claps. I could hear the wind whipping outside from my living room. I don't like that sound...sounds so eery.

Tomorrow I have to make sure to be up at 4 a.m. so I can get all my work done before I get Maddy. I can't say why on here just yet, but will write about it later :)

Maddy loves to sing! Every morning and afternoon we sing sing sing. I'm constantly turning the radio up and down in volume because like me, she likes her music loud, but she tries to talk to me and I can't hear her over the music so I turn it down. When I turn it down she gets frustrated and tells me to turn it up. We were stuck in traffic and I realized she was singing Are You Sleeping and was singing it in french with them. I tried to hurry and record, but I didn't quite make that part. It's still cute to hear her sing with the music.
Manny (my dog) has become more at ease this week thank goodness. The first two days I think I spent more time taking him out than anything else...including work. I began to get a little worried because I couldn't keep up that kind of scheule. Yesterday after he did his business he laid on the couch for the longest time. As long as I don't get up then he will stay put. I was so thankful. He has used the bathroom one time on my new rug, but after the frustration left I was thankful it was my rug and not the floor. It's easier to replace a new rug over a floor :) I did immediately wash the rug best I could and now keep Maddy's couch sprawled out over it to defer him from doing it again. He doesn't let you know he needs to go out like most dogs do. He just starts sniffing, which makes it hard because he has some kind of skin issue and scratches all the time and he sniffs all the time. I'm starting to figure it out a little better now but it's a guessing game most of the time. I love him to death and he has really helped me with this move. He is my little buddy :)
I took this today. He had been asleep, but heard me get up so he was keeping his eye on me. You can kind of see his skin problem in the picture. I put this on a site I use on my phone and used the blur feature. Right now we are both on my couch.

I did something I don't normally do. I went ahead and ordered Maddy's Christmas dress and one outfit. Totsy is having a Christmas in July sale and they had the brand I love...Rare Editions. In the stores they run $32...Totsy has them for $14. The two outfits I bought came to about the same price as 1 dress would cost in stores.
Are those not cute?? If you plan on from buying from Totsy would you please help me out and use this link? This is my first time ordering from them...I usually order from Zulily but they are doing back to school and that doesn't apply to me as of yet. It's hard to believe that in just two short years I will be dealing with back to school stuff. I choose not to think of that just yet because I'm no where near ready for my baby to start that journey.

Tonight's dinner consisted of taco's, strawberries, and chocolate lol.
Maddy had something she wanted to say about it.
This post was longer than I anticipated. Tomorrow is Friday and I'm so thankful for that. We are in for some more storms a little later. Tomorrow is my mom's birthday. I hope it's a special day for her...she truly deserves it.

I hope you all have a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a crockpot? Jump on Pinterest to get some quick and easy crockpot recipes. You could also do some freezer meals. You could make a dish and freeze half for later.


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