Monday, June 11, 2012

Icky Sickness

Mine and Maddy's weekend was not at all anything spectacular. I don't think I've ever wished for a Saturday to hurry and end but I did this past Saturday. Maddy woke up at 4:50 a.m. I went in her room to comfort her and she tried to get up, but I told her it was still night night time. She went back to sleep for a little bit and then woke back up. By 6:30 a.m. we were up, dressed, and ready for the day. Her mood that day was very up and down. I knew by 7:00 a.m. I was in for a very long day. We spent the day at our new house trying to unpack, but she didn't understand why mommy wouldn't play with her all day. I tried to make time to play with her but when I did she just watched tv. I did get her to take two naps...both in the car. I thought she was just super tired, but her naps didn't really help that much. My uncle had to work on my car because it would overheat and it almost left me stranded. He was supposed to work on it on Saturday. When he was ready Maddy was still asleep in the car. I accidentally woke her up and when I got her out I noticed she felt warm  and didn't look ok. I kept asking her if she was ok and not sick and she would just stare at me. She perked up when she got out of the car so I thought everything was ok...until my mom asked me if she was warm. My heart sank because I knew that meant she was getting sick and it wasn't my imagination. While my uncle worked on my car she played pretty hard...she wore me out to be honest. Once he was done with my car they went to build his granddaughter her playset because the instructions said with two people it would take 12 hours...that's just crazy!!! I plan on getting Maddy her own playground set for her birthday, so I guess we better start building a few days before her party lol. they were working on the playground Maddy just went down hill. She sat in my lap for the longest time and almost went to sleep. I realized she was refusing to eat...she tried so hard to eat but just never would. She would drink ok though. I remembered a couple of days prior to Saturday she asked for some ice for her ear. We finally got home around 10:48 p.m. and I went immediately for the thermometer. Sure enough her temp was 101.4. I took her down to PM Pediatrics, which btw, I no longer have an ounce of trust for . I found out she weighs 29 pounds which is really good for her! At her two year check up she weighed 27 pounds so I'm glad she gained her two pounds. The nurse practitioner came in and asked what was going on and I mentioned her ear was hurting but she had also been around strep throat. She checked her ear and said it was infected and took a look in her mouth and said oh yeah, she's got strep...there's puss pockets all in her throat. She didn't do a strep test to confirm and gave her a strong dose of amoxicillan. By the time we got home it was 12:30 and I had to change her while she was asleep because she was konked out! I found these...
Maddy is at the age where she refuses medicine if she's in pain or it tastes bad. When I got her allergy medicine it came with a free sample of chewables and she thought they were candy. When I saw this tylenol type chewable I knew I was in luck. If only all her medicines could be chewable/meltaways. She said she didn't want it at first. I told her it tasted like gum (she's on a big gum kick right now). I let her hold it and by the time I turned back around she was eating it. She said it was yummy and was willing to take another one. I think that is what let her sleep so good. Sunday morning I tried to get her antibiotic in her...she drank it just fine and even said it tasted good. I was so thankful. As the day progressed she quickly deteriorated in how she felt.
We literally laid around and watched movies all day. She did try to eat. She started off with mashed potatoes then she wanted this:
Pickles and tomatoes. She couldn't eat the tomato but did some of the pickle. I noticed she was holding her cheek and decided to look in her mouth...strep shouldn't hurt on your cheek. It looked so horrible! There were sores all over the roof of her her throat and on the sides of her mouth. I felt quite certain that instead of having strep she had another case of hand foot mouth disease because it had been in her classroom last week.
These are accurate pictures of what her mouth looks like, and this is hand foot mouth. I did look up strep and only found one picture that looks a bit similar to hers, but I don't see her glands swollen at all and because it is on her cheeks as well I'm pretty sure it's HFM. She was up all night Sunday and got up super early again. She was still running a fever last night so I have kept her home today. So far she hasn't run a fever, but she is in a lot of pain and is so very tired. I have some video of her playing before I knew she was's amazing how strong these little ones are because they can sure tough it out when they are pretty sick.
A part of me knew I should have left my uncle's while they worked on the swing time I will listen because she was definitely not feeling good at all!!!

She is about the same today, but the sores do look some better. Her mood is not so great, but I can definitely understand why. My mom took her out for a bit in hopes she would take a nap and so I can get some work waits for no one!!! I hope you all had a much better weekend than we did :) I'm on beach countdown...early Sunday we are on the road headed back down to Panama City Beach, FL...I just hope she is feeling MUCH better by then!

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